Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist LOGO0300.jpg
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist WUGC2000.gif
Tournament Coordinator:       Mark Kendall
Public Relations:             Ralf Stegmann
Media Co-ordinator:           Claas Michaelis
Buisness Manager:             Thomas Strobel
Technical Coordinator:        Thomas Wunderlich
Accomodations Director:      Leo Kugler
Staff Manager:                Volker Schlechter
Field Cordinator:             Olaf Labrenz
Medical Director:             Michael Mohr
Registration:                 Eva-Maria Kendall
Player Relations:             Robin Müller
DFV :                         Thomas Griesbaum / Jörg Benner


These are a few of the photos Eva Roth took during the WUGC 2000. She had the negatives scanned and copied on a Kodak Photo-CD. The copies you can see here have been strongly reduced in size and image quality. The full Photo-CD quality is available on request.




I needed forever to upload these to my Utube channel  – mainly because we played tons of music at Worlds and the songs were all leading to copyright issues that I had to edit. Mainly German games but also some day 2 games and other cool stuff.  There is a description for each video on Utube so check the decription for the games played and other info about dance, Discrockers, freestyle , party, TOC Office, Das DA Vision, opening ceremony, dancing Japanese cameraman and more.